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    Security Grilles and Doors

    Security Grilles and Doors

    Installing high quality windows and doors with modern multi-point locking systems, toughened and secure glazing is already a big step forward in terms of security. Security roller shutters and external blinds will also provide an increase in security for home and business. In some areas the risks of burglary, vandalism and property damage are unfortunately very high. In these cases, installation of window security grilles and security doors can often be the best choice to remain safe and secure.

    Sustainable Construction Services offers an extensive range of different security doors with single or multipoint locking systems in hinged or sliding configurations. In line with our range of window security grilles you can choose design, finishes/ colours and material type and strength from a wide variety. SCS will ensure that doors and screens fit your existing or new doors, windows, balcony, entrance area or any other concerned area. Doors and grilles can be screened with mesh of fibre glass, aluminium or stainless steel. Further options of one way vision, doggy doors, decorative glass inserts will complement the design approach of your home or office.

    Security Grilles and doors can also prevent accidental damage to you windows, doors or glass facades. When cars drive past, their tyres often pick up gravel and small stones from the road, which can hit glazed areas and insect screens. Mesh screens can reflect these before any damage is caused. Playing children in your neighbourhood, golf or tennis balls might also damage your windows and doors. Security grilles and doors can prevent these incidences from occurring.

    We will either send one of our sales engineers out to measure up or receive your dimensions over the phone and then email, fax or post a quotation to you in no time.


    Our Customers Say

    We highly recommend Sustainable Construction Services and expect to use their services for future building efforts.

    Michael – Melbourne

    Thank you for completing the job of installing new windows to my home in a timely manner. I recommend you highly to all new customers.

    George – Melbourne

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    Please Contact Us to discuss our product range or particulars of your project in more detail.